Many of the most memorable moments for our community are when we celebrate our traditions which have been part of our church since its founding.
See our calendar for these special times and feel welcome to join us.
upcoming events
Thank you to all who participated in our 40 cans for Lent this year sponsored by Catholic Charities. Close to a 1000 lbs of non-perishable food items were collected. Your generosity was greatly appreciated.
Graduation will soon be here, and we would like to acknowledge all our graduates. Please send us a picture of your high school or college graduate with a short bio on their majors, future plans, any scholarships, etc. to be used in a future newsletter and bulletin. Please send name, pic and bio to Deacon Ray at Dcnrjim@gmail.com.
SAVE THE DATE: April 28, 2024 Mission Concepcion will again be participating in San Jose Mission Fest. This will be a ONE DAY festival on Sunday, April 28, from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm. and will conclude the Fiesta Festivities. Our Booth will be selling the following: Corn in a Cup, Frito Pie, Cucumber Cups, and Pickles. Volunteers are needed and donated food items or monetary donations are always welcome. Contact Laura Pena-Cuellar at 210-533-8955 for more information.
Healing Mass every first Friday of the month at 12:00 noon @ St Margaret Mary Catholic Church 1314 Fair Ave.
Confessions are available before and after both Sunday Masses.
The Pax Christi Sisters need assistance in distributing food items at the Food Pantry each Friday afternoon from 1pm - 4pm. The Food Pantry is located at 3311 S. Pine. Please bring a face mask and gloves. For more info please call Sr Guadalupe @ 210-534-5191.
Click here for a video highlighting the Pax Christi Food Pantry.
If you would like to sponsor the altar floral arrangements for a special remembrance anytime throughout the year please contact Ethel Rios at 210-533-8955 or email her at: businessoffice@missionconcepcion.org. Suggested donation is $50.